Ethics at Qeios

Ethics and integrity are not just a priority for us—they are the very foundation upon which our platform is built. By seamlessly integrating AI checks, peer reviewers, and our editorial team's oversight, we ensure fairness, rigour, and trust in academic publishing. Our dedication to the highest ethical standards makes Qeios a leading choice for transparent and reliable research.

Elevating integrity standards with 3 innovations

We're introducing groundbreaking practices to enhance integrity and quality in academic publishing.

Separation of roles for unbiased evaluation

At Qeios, we ensure an impartial evaluation process by maintaining a distinct separation of roles. Peer reviewers alone are responsible for assessing the validity of papers, while our editorial team oversees the peer review process by handling any misconduct cases and resolving disputes. This separation eliminates editorial bias, such as blocking critical commentaries or adhering to a publisher’s agenda, and upholds the quality of published research. This structure promotes a fairer and unbiased academic environment.

Continuous research scrutiny

Qeios papers often receive more than the minimum of 4 peer reviews needed to get an article peer-approved. In fact, they receive a median of 10 peer reviews, making Qeios the most peer-reviewed publishing venue globally. In the rare instance that additional reviews uncover flaws missed by the initial reviewers, causing the overall average rating to drop below 2.5 out of 5, the paper will no longer be considered peer-approved. This continuous scrutiny process ensures that research published on Qeios remains reliable and trustworthy over time.

Robust misconduct monitoring

Our comprehensive reporting system allows both authors and reviewers to report any issues or misconduct at any stage. These reports are thoroughly analysed by Qeios' editorial team, and decisions are made in strict accordance with COPE and ICMJE guidelines. This process upholds the integrity of all content on Qeios, both articles and peer reviews, maintaining the trust and reliability of our platform at all times.

Learn more in our publishing policy

Combining the strengths of humans and machines

To innovate ethical practices, we have integrated the accuracy of AI, the expertise of peer reviewers, and the oversight of our editorial team, creating a seamless interplay that ensures the highest standards of research integrity and quality.

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